What have we done so far?
You might want to take a look to some of our previous works. Most of them are in Croatian languague, so don't get confused.
Complete custom CMS site based on PHP/MySQL/jQuery. Design provided by client.
Custom PHP/jQuery based site. We worked closely with the client on the design. Some parts/materials of the old site are integrated into new design.
Complete custom CMS site based PHP/MySQL/jQuery. Design according to customer guidlines.
Custom PHP site, visual clone of original Trind website with improved website engine.
Magento based webshop, integration of Pay Way payment gateway (custom built Magento module) and some client specific modifications for invoicing and delivery.
Portal based on Joomla with heavy customizations (subtitles and overtitles, custom fields per articles). Site and database optimization (portal consumes up to 1.5 TB monthly trafic).
Custom designed PHP based website. Design according to customer guidlines.
Site under redesign at the moment